Make Learning Simplified, Fun, and Collaborative

Teachers need their focus to be on lesson plans, materials, and engagement. Create beautiful, engaging materials and enhance learning with Bring Your Own Device Collaboration Smartboards!

Your Students Come First!

Empowering students with tools to help them learn is important. Empowering teachers in the classroom, is important. The last thing you want to do is hold back learning due to limited budget, poor device support, and breakdowns in device compatibility. Let our team curate your education solutions!

Document Management Solutions

Improve processes and workflow, from canning and filing case documents to mark-up, translation, circulating documents, and file searches. PAIS can help your firm by:

  • Integrated Scanning to your existing system software.
  • Instant access and research records.
  • Simplify storage and organization and easily search case work, forms, pleadings, contracts and other documents.
  • Include emails and records with client documents.
  • Easily translate documents for bi-lingual case management.

Your Industry Matters