Managed IT Services

Whether your organization is small or enterprise, ABTs Managed IT Services can compliment or complete your IT department. Cost savings and 24/7 watch over all your entire IT environment. When you hand off your technology hassles to us, you leave your IT troubles behind.

Advanced security for endpoints, SOC monitoring, incident response and remediation services to stop active threat and minimize harm. Powered by SentinelOne. (Includes a $1M guarantee against ransomware attacks).

Complete SIEM services and SOC support with real‐time alerting, network log and activity monitoring to help you demonstrate compliance. Powered by EventTracker.

Year‐round end‐user security training with monthly threat analysis and testing.

PAIS provides the complete foundational protection to effectively meet the security needs of SMB organizations. The solution combines intelligent profiling and alerting technology with support from our Security Operations Center (SOC) facility, empowering SMBs to build and enforce end‐to‐end security policies for their users.

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